Is it paranoia, or am I beginning to detect a pattern here? During his first campaign, former Prime Minister Harper fervently promised voters that, following the Liberals’ sudden progressive awakening, he would repeal the legislation that, after three thousand years of civilized consensus against it, had so recently normalized same-sex “marriage”. Within months of being elected, Harper declared that the question was “settled”. Campaigning for the leadership of the Ontario PC’s, Patrick Brown fervently promised to repeal Kathleen Wynne’s notorious sex-ed curriculum, and was carried to within reach of victory by the votes of the thousands of socially conservative immigrants (Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs) he had signed up in his riding, then pushed over the finish line when Monte McNaughton (for whom opposition to Wynne’s LGBT agenda was practically a single issue) threw his support to him. But once elected leader, Brown marched in every Pride Parade that would have him, and advertised himself as a progressive on all social issues. Federally, Andrew Scheer captured the leadership of the Conservatives in another run-off, when the only other two ostensibly social-conservative candidates (Pierre Lemieux and Brad Trost) transferred their votes to him. Since then Scheer has repeatedly reassured the liberal beau monde that he has no intention of re-opening such “settled” issues as abortion, gay marriage, or LGBT “rights”. Finally, following the political emasculation of the ithyphallic Patrick Brown, while campaigning to replace him as leader of the Ontario PC’s, Doug Ford fervently promised yet again to repeal the Wynne sex-ed curriculum, and was carried to victory when Tanya Granic Allen (for whom opposition to Wynne’s LGBT agenda was veritably a single issue—see McNaughton in re Brown, above) ceded her votes to him. Once elected Premier, Ford too suffered amnesia, and just last week gave his official imprimatur to the Wynne sex-ed curriculum sine emendatione, save for a few minor tweaks to render it even more progressive.
Further DNA mapping may reveal that Conservative politicians suffer from an over-firing gene for treachery. As I have observed elsewhere in these pages, their defining habit is to stab social-conservative voters in the very backs upon which they have ridden to victory. Continue reading “L-G-B-T, E-F-G; Now I Know My ABC’S (Still): The Wynne-Ford Sex-Ed Curriculum”