Have you ever encountered someone whose invincible ignorance on any given subject exists in precisely direct proportion to the self-satisfaction and certitude with which he presses his arguments?  Someone so obtuse that, when you (with a little too much subtlety) point out the superficiality of those arguments, he doesn’t even realize he’s been insulted?

This scenario seems unavoidable whenever one falls into the company of a militant atheist.  The phrase itself seems paradoxical; yet, the maddening irony is that the opposition to religion has become fiercely and fanatically dogmatic.  Today’s atheists are determined to save the world from religion, even as they make fun of yesterday’s theists for being determined to save it from sin.

Continue reading “Irreligious Dogmatism”

It is admittedly hard for social conservatives not to take pleasure in the discomfiture of so many sanctimonious, progressive males who have been cut down by the biblical scourge known as the #MeToo movement:  Patrick Brown, for instance (most recently among them), who having stabbed so-cons in the very backs upon which he was carried to victory in the Ontario PC leadership race, has now been hoist with the petard of the progressive politics he belatedly and cynically adopted. Continue reading “Me-Tooism: A Psychological Primer”

The American Psychiatric Association




Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):

Trump Derangement Syndrome is the latest (though most virulent) strain of a general and besetting condition of liberalism—catalogued in the DSM for previous years under Conservative Derangement Syndrome (CDS)–, whose aetiology can be traced back to the late Sixties.  After short periods of latency, it breaks out on the political Left whenever its opponents are in power or contending for power, and manifests itself in a rabid detestation that overwhelms the human capacity for rational cerebration or discourse.  As of the time of writing, there is no known treatment or cure.  Continue reading “Tears, Rage, and Trump Derangement Syndrome: Analyze This”

It tells you something about the times that when you Google “Jesus Christ” the first suggestion that pops up in the drop-down menu is “Jesus Christ Superstar”.  As a ubiquitous phenomenon of popular modern culture, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical has been one of the most effective forces for the infantilization of the Western mind of the past half-century, and it is entirely typical that, after “Joseph and his Technicolor Dream-Coat”, Webber’s second blockbuster hit amounted to a vocalized version of The Idiot’s Guide to Christology.

Continue reading “The Government of Jesus, and the Separation of Church and State”

As a transcript of the ubiquitous and intractable reality of human evil, the Christian doctrine of original sin seems convincing enough.  Some awareness of it might at least have spared us the sadistic horrors of the social experiments of twentieth-century totalitarians, as it ought to give pause to their “progressive” progeny in the twenty-first.

While Christianity has appreciated and assimilated a plethora of ancient pagan myths, it has never been so soft-headed as to have credited the modern fable of socio-political progress.  Neither has ancient paganism, by the way, which (as its own myth of the four metallic ages suggests) was soberly resigned to the fact that, socially and morally, things are usually getting worse.

Continue reading “On the Side of History”

As book IX begins, with the Satanic serpent crouching in wait, Adam and Eve begin their fateful debate about the morning’s gardening—history’s first battle of the sexes.  Looking at the conversation between them as a whole, however, one overwhelming fact emerges:  from first to last, Eve takes and keeps the initiative.  Her speeches are short, clear, and determined; Adam, on the other hand, is off guard and on the defensive.  It is a state of affairs both entirely realistic and absolutely contrary to the ideal picture in book IV, in which Adam, fully conformed to his role as a symbol of the masculine Reason, possesses absolute sovereignty over a contently obedient and deferential Eve.

Continue reading “Sin, Fall, and Redemption in Milton’s Paradise Lost, Part II”

What follows is a lecture first delivered to a general audience at Deer Park Library in Toronto some years ago.  I post it now on Priceton because Milton’s Paradise Lost is a case in point of the way in which contemporary ideological fashions (i.e., prejudices) have so fatally interfered with our reception and understanding of the great works of Western literature and thought, not to mention our ability to be morally edified by them. 


Continue reading “Sin, Fall, and Redemption in Milton’s Paradise Lost, Part I”

Tired, yet, of liberal legalism?   The last time in history the law was held in such superstitious reverence, the Pharisees were the party of enlightened opinion in ancient Israel.

At a recent dinner party, when I questioned the new progressive sacrament of same-sex “marriage”, a fellow guest replied, with admirable succinctness, “It’s the law; it’s in the Charter”; which meant, apparently, that the issue was now finally (and correctly) decided, and any criticism of that decision was beyond the pale.  What has come of the liberal injunction to “question authority”? Continue reading ““It’s the Law!””

World Press Release:  “A Revolutionary New Technology”

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press:


As you know, it’s been over a hundred years since the Tesla-Daimler Corporation invented the battery-powered electric vehicle (BPEV) in 1902.  Since then, enormous progress has been made.  For the first half-century, the cost of manufacturing and maintaining electric automobiles was so expensive that, even with the trillions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies, only the affluent could afford one.   (When, by 1950, as yet only one percent of the population was wealthy enough to purchase a BPEV, the phrase “the one-percent” came into general usage as a term of class disparagement.) Gradually, as has often been the case with new technologies, the price of electric vehicles has declined, so that today, in 2017, fully one in two families proudly boasts a BPEV in their driveways.  And no one can deny the benefits that this marvelous invention has conferred upon society over the years.

Continue reading “Back to the Future”